Very fast, and appears to be well featured. Basic concepts are not explained, its another pixel editor with layers. Workflow is not intuitive, buckets of options and no obvious path to knocking out some basic adjustments to your photos immediately. Given this product requires substantial effort to learn anyway and support is light, might as well stay with PS. PS is ugly to use, but lots of videos and user guides and also benefits from LR for image management and quick edits. Website UI is confusing for finding support videos.
My one wish is they had a 20 minute video that took you from importing a RAW image (using whatever convertor they use), save the DNG, then make basic edits, cropping, exposure, highlights, shadows, white balance some minor retouching, save the file, then export to JPEGs optimized for web, print and large flat panel display.
The invitation to use forums to seek help from other users is disappointing. Hope they succeed, not there just yet.
MAcuser 45321 about Affinity Photo, v1.3.1