The team at Affinity are amazing. Not only does every release of an update include new and amazing capabilities, to an already amazing application. But they always have tutorials they post at their site to help everyone out. Their site also has a forum, which always has actual Affinity designers and programmers participating and helping. I have wrestled with the power of Adobe products for years. And there is no doubt they are powerful, but are they intuitive? For me the answer is no. Once I got into the flow of an Affinity work flow, I found that in most cases if I felt stuck, or wanted a certain look or style. If I just tried to start working the issue one step at a time, in Affinity the next step is usually right there at my fingertips. Now that’s what I call intuitive. But you have to shed the Adobe ways.
The best part is that the Affinity line not only has photo, but designer. And the capability of keeping a single workflow throughout all Affinity products is just amazing. You can open a raw picture file, manipulate that, send it into Photo to do amazing things, the options are almost limitless. But then when you find you want to enhance you project with some really amazing vector drawings. There are some in Photo, but not a full spectrum of capabilities. Fear not, a press of the button and your work automatically folds around Designer and you continue on your project. Bounce back and forth with no effort to leverage the full capabilities of all Affinity programs in a single workflow. Amazing. Intuitive. Creative. The only drawback I have found, is when I try to compare a method from an Adobe product to Affinity. Shed off the old (Adobe) ways. Focus on what you want accomplished, and with Affinity I find once I start, the next step is usually right at my fingertips in Affinity.
crabtrem about Affinity Photo